Storyteller and Explorer

Christina is a consummate storyteller and explorer, whether it’s through her essays, poetry, her memoir in progress or in her photography.

Born in London, England, Christina emigrated to Canada in her early twenties and lived in Toronto for many years. She realized from traveling within Canada and to other countries that she is drawn to remote, isolated places where animals outnumber people, whether it’s Australia’s outback country or one of the Faroes’ many islands. Her fascination with northern places eventually brought her to her present home in the Yukon Territory where there are more dogs than people. 

Christina is an alumni of the Voices of our Nation Arts Foundation workshops and a graduate of Canada’s Humber School of Creative Writing program. Her work often examines the themes of isolation, wilderness, our place in nature, identity, erasure, traveling as a person of colour and cultural diversity in the literary and photographic communities. 

Christina is represented by Chelene Knight of Transatlantic Agency.

Photography credit: self-portrait.